Friday, June 26, 2009

The Ultimate Cellulite Remedy!

As We Change

Once upon a time there was a woman who suffered from cellulite. She searched and searched for a Cellulite Remedy. Is there a Cellulite Remedy? Yes, and it doesn't have to be a surgical procedure and it doesn't have to cause you financial grief.

Before we look for a Cellulite Remedy let's understand some things about cellulite.

What is Cellulite?
Simply put, cellulite is fat that gets trapped beneath the skin and causes that dimpling or cottage cheese affect to the skin. It is not an obesity issue. Many slim women have cellulite, even Playboy Bunny, Kim Kardashian is fighting cellulite.
What causes Cellulite?
Genetics play a huge roll, along with hormonal factors which is why most women are searching for a Cellulite Remedy. Women will notice the effects of cellulite during hormonal changes such as pregnancy, puberty and even menopause. Oh, and don't forget, another hormonal change might be in women who are taking birth control pills. These are the reasons about 90% of women will face the problem of cellulite and will be looking for a Cellulite Remedy. Some other causes of cellulite is age. As you age the skin loses its elasticity. Your body type and skin thickness are also factors. The thinner the skin the more noticeable those fatty deposits will be

Is there a Miracle Cellulite Remedy? Sorry, but no. There is no way to completely rid the body of cellulite. But it can be minimized and there is a successful Cellulite Remedy for you!

Here are 5 Cellulite Remedy's that might work for you.

#1 - Liposuction. Liposuction is where the fat is removed surgically. An incision is made and the fat, is literally sucked out of the thigh, hip or abdomen. However, this procedure can also
make the cellulite condition worse because with liposuction the fat is removed in the deeper layers of the skin not the upper layer where the cellulite is noticeable. This Cellulite Remedy is temporary and can be very costly not to mention the time spent with this procedure.
Is this the right Cellulite Remedy for You?

#2 - Endermologie. This procedure was developed in France and was the first FDA approved Cellulite Remedy. It is the use of a motorized piece of equipment with rollers and controlled suction. This equipment must be used by a professional that is trained in the field of endermologie. As this roller system is used it increases the blood flow and assists in ridding the area of excessive fluids. This method is highly successful is very expensive AND you need continual treatments.
Is this the right Cellulite Remedy for You?

#3 - Mesotherapy. This is a safe non-evasive Cellulite Remedy. Mesotherapy is also used for spot weight reduction or overall weight reduction. With mesotherapy a needle is inserted into the connective tissue under the skin and medicine is instilled into the cellulite area. The needles are very tiny in size so there is minimal discomfort or pain. The medicines liquefy the fat and the fat melts and is eliminated through the kidneys and intestines. Generally speaking this Cellulite Remedy is done weekly for up to 12 weeks. This Cellulite Remedy is easier on the pocketbook than liposuction. The cost varies depending on the size of the area to be treated and the amount of treatments needed.
Is this the right Cellulite Remedy for You?

#4 - Triactive Laser Dermatology. Tri meaning 3 is just that. Triactive Laser Dermatology uses 3 major actions as their Cellulite Remedy. First it uses 6 diode lasers that improve circulation. Secondly, it deep massages and applies pressure to rid the area of excess fluid and thirdly a cooling system that smooths the skin. This system was developed in Italy about 3 years ago and despite being a fairly new Cellulite Remedy it has been shown to be highly effective. Again, this Cellulite Remedy can be a costly procedure.
Is this the right Cellulite Remedy for You?

#5 - Cellulite Creams. This was my chosen Cellulite Remedy. Cellulite creams are categorized as cosmetic creams not medical treatments. However, these creams have come a long way in the past few years due to the fact that medical scientist now realize that cellulite is not just a condition of aging. Times have changed and people are more aware of how they look. Your hair, your skin your clothes all play a role in feeling good about yourself. Cellulite creams are used at night and applied to clean, dry skin with a gentle massaging motion. They are cost effective and this Cellulite Remedy has great results.
Is this the right Cellulite Remedy for You?

If you have decided to try a cellulite cream as your Cellulite Remedy here are 3 things to look for.


1. Natural Ingredients!
2. Ease of Use!
3. Quick Results!

Let's summarize by saying there is a Cellulite Remedy for you. For me Revita Shape was the answer. I could use it in the privacy of my own home. It contains all natural ingredients, including caffein for the elimination of fluids, and I had fast results. Remember, with any good Cellulite Remedy a healthy diet and a simple exercise plan will also give you added benefits.
Click Here!
I wish you great success in whatever Cellulite Remedy you choose.

1 comment:

  1. On your tush, thighs and other spots prone to cellulite, a thicker, plumper skin layer will better cover the fat cells underneath.
    Truth About Cellulite
