Friday, June 26, 2009

The Ultimate Cellulite Remedy!

As We Change

Once upon a time there was a woman who suffered from cellulite. She searched and searched for a Cellulite Remedy. Is there a Cellulite Remedy? Yes, and it doesn't have to be a surgical procedure and it doesn't have to cause you financial grief.

Before we look for a Cellulite Remedy let's understand some things about cellulite.

What is Cellulite?
Simply put, cellulite is fat that gets trapped beneath the skin and causes that dimpling or cottage cheese affect to the skin. It is not an obesity issue. Many slim women have cellulite, even Playboy Bunny, Kim Kardashian is fighting cellulite.
What causes Cellulite?
Genetics play a huge roll, along with hormonal factors which is why most women are searching for a Cellulite Remedy. Women will notice the effects of cellulite during hormonal changes such as pregnancy, puberty and even menopause. Oh, and don't forget, another hormonal change might be in women who are taking birth control pills. These are the reasons about 90% of women will face the problem of cellulite and will be looking for a Cellulite Remedy. Some other causes of cellulite is age. As you age the skin loses its elasticity. Your body type and skin thickness are also factors. The thinner the skin the more noticeable those fatty deposits will be

Is there a Miracle Cellulite Remedy? Sorry, but no. There is no way to completely rid the body of cellulite. But it can be minimized and there is a successful Cellulite Remedy for you!

Here are 5 Cellulite Remedy's that might work for you.

#1 - Liposuction. Liposuction is where the fat is removed surgically. An incision is made and the fat, is literally sucked out of the thigh, hip or abdomen. However, this procedure can also
make the cellulite condition worse because with liposuction the fat is removed in the deeper layers of the skin not the upper layer where the cellulite is noticeable. This Cellulite Remedy is temporary and can be very costly not to mention the time spent with this procedure.
Is this the right Cellulite Remedy for You?

#2 - Endermologie. This procedure was developed in France and was the first FDA approved Cellulite Remedy. It is the use of a motorized piece of equipment with rollers and controlled suction. This equipment must be used by a professional that is trained in the field of endermologie. As this roller system is used it increases the blood flow and assists in ridding the area of excessive fluids. This method is highly successful is very expensive AND you need continual treatments.
Is this the right Cellulite Remedy for You?

#3 - Mesotherapy. This is a safe non-evasive Cellulite Remedy. Mesotherapy is also used for spot weight reduction or overall weight reduction. With mesotherapy a needle is inserted into the connective tissue under the skin and medicine is instilled into the cellulite area. The needles are very tiny in size so there is minimal discomfort or pain. The medicines liquefy the fat and the fat melts and is eliminated through the kidneys and intestines. Generally speaking this Cellulite Remedy is done weekly for up to 12 weeks. This Cellulite Remedy is easier on the pocketbook than liposuction. The cost varies depending on the size of the area to be treated and the amount of treatments needed.
Is this the right Cellulite Remedy for You?

#4 - Triactive Laser Dermatology. Tri meaning 3 is just that. Triactive Laser Dermatology uses 3 major actions as their Cellulite Remedy. First it uses 6 diode lasers that improve circulation. Secondly, it deep massages and applies pressure to rid the area of excess fluid and thirdly a cooling system that smooths the skin. This system was developed in Italy about 3 years ago and despite being a fairly new Cellulite Remedy it has been shown to be highly effective. Again, this Cellulite Remedy can be a costly procedure.
Is this the right Cellulite Remedy for You?

#5 - Cellulite Creams. This was my chosen Cellulite Remedy. Cellulite creams are categorized as cosmetic creams not medical treatments. However, these creams have come a long way in the past few years due to the fact that medical scientist now realize that cellulite is not just a condition of aging. Times have changed and people are more aware of how they look. Your hair, your skin your clothes all play a role in feeling good about yourself. Cellulite creams are used at night and applied to clean, dry skin with a gentle massaging motion. They are cost effective and this Cellulite Remedy has great results.
Is this the right Cellulite Remedy for You?

If you have decided to try a cellulite cream as your Cellulite Remedy here are 3 things to look for.


1. Natural Ingredients!
2. Ease of Use!
3. Quick Results!

Let's summarize by saying there is a Cellulite Remedy for you. For me Revita Shape was the answer. I could use it in the privacy of my own home. It contains all natural ingredients, including caffein for the elimination of fluids, and I had fast results. Remember, with any good Cellulite Remedy a healthy diet and a simple exercise plan will also give you added benefits.
Click Here!
I wish you great success in whatever Cellulite Remedy you choose.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Does Cellulite Cream Work?

Today is the first day of summer. That means wearing shorts and swimming suits. Even the material in our clothing is lighter and more revealing. We are even a year older than we were last year. Why do I mention these things? Because, it is also a time that we dread our cellulite problem and for sure we want to hide it from the world. In the winter it is not so noticeable but now, well forget about it, it shows.

Cellulite cream has come a long way in the past few years. With so many women with this problem medical scientist are taking heed and developing products that actually work. Some cellulite creams work better than others but they do work.

Take heed, even if you don't show signs of cellulite right now you might in the future.


#1. Genetics. Does your mother, your sister or your aunt have cellulite?
It is probable that it will be a concern for you too.

#2. Weight. Are you overweight? If so, it isn't helping the cellulite problem.
However, cellulite is not just a weight issue. Thin women have
cellulite too.
#3. Age. You can't stop the aging process...we all are getting older. When
we age our skin loses its elasticity and the skin gets thinner.

Will a cellulite cream work? All bodies are different but with testing a cellulite cream can work for you. I would encourage you to try RevitaShape. Not only does it work but it works with very quick results. It works to TONE & TIGHTEN THE SKIN and ELIMINATE FLUIDS!
It also works to increase circulation.

Remember, the most effective way to eliminate your cellulite is with a combination of
diet, exercise and a good cellulite cream such as RevitaShape & get motivated to lose that cellulite today.

Another reason to use RevitaShape is that they use natural ingredients. Ingredients that have been proven to work. Ingredients such as caffein, algae and centella asiatica extract a Chinese herb which helps the skin restore elasticity.

You are not only going to look better you are going to feel better. A smoother, tighter looking skin is just a few steps away. RevitaShape is easy to use. You apply in the morning and again at night on clean dry skin. You apply with a gentle massaging motion for fast results.
Give it a try. All you have to lose is that hail damage on your thighs!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Still Fighting Cellulite?

Fighting Cellulite is an age old problem and it affects more women that you could possible imagine. It's not a subject generally talked about over a cup of coffee.

Did you know that there are two types of Cellulite?

1. The first type is a form of compression or a pressure related cellulite.
Like when you pinch your stomach or thigh and you see the dimples, but once you
release the skin all that dimpling is gone.

2. The second type is when you have that orange peel or hail damage look to the skin
even though there is no pressure applied and all you are doing is standing still.

Is Cellulite only a problem if you are overweight? No, of course not. Cellulite is a genetic problem and is often very common to slender women. However, the overweight woman will have more visible effects of cellulite. So fighting cellulite could be more of a challenge to her.

What are come common myths when fighting cellulite?

1. Liposuction gets rid of cellulite. NO! In fact it can make the problem worse.

2. Exercise eliminates cellulite. NO! Nothing will totally eliminate cellulite. However,
exercise will help manage your cellulite.

3. Cellulite diets will help fight cellulite. NO! There is no food or group of foods that will
reduce or eliminate cellulite.

Cellulite is caused by fat deposits that distort connective tissue under the skin. Heredity, the thickness of your skin and the abount of body fat all influence the presence of cellulite.

So the question is, are you still fighting cellulite? Cellulite creams do work and could be the answer for you. Give RevitaShape a try.

Here is what to look for in a cellulite cream if you are fighting cellulite:

Tightening and Toning of your skin
Increase in fat metabolism
Decrease in water retention

Here are some key things you should know about RevitaShape.

1. Results come quickly

2. Contains natural ingredients

3. Gets rid of fat cells

4. Drains fluids

5. Has no side effects

Saturday, June 13, 2009


There are no magical cellulite treatments or cures. As we all know if you want to look good and feel great about yourself it takes hard work and it doesn't happen over night.
We have been struggling with these unsightly skin "dimples" since Eve. Oh yes, there have been products on the market that claimed to be the answer to cellulite but these cellulite treatments rarely worked. Some were costly, some were messy and most were time consuming.
It is not a weight problem. I have seen heavy women with no signs of cellulite and very slim women with cellulite. The only explanation is the fact that genetics play a huge role in whether or not you will have cellulite.
Now if you are married to a millionaire or have a "sugar daddy" you can get some wonderful cellulite treatments. LIPOSUCTION is where they make an incision, insert a tube and suck out the "cottage cheese" from your butt or thighs. But, cellulite is in the top layers of your skin and liposuction goes beneath that layer and sucks out fat so the end results could be a worsened condition of the cellulite.
There is ENDERMOLOGIE. This is non-invasive and has been shown to be a successful cellulite treatment. Endermologie is a system that uses a mechanical device with rollers and suction. As this machine moves over the affected area it increases blood flow and assists in eliminating fluid that has collected in the thigh or butt. Again, this is very costly and it is a temporary solution.
MESOTHERAPY is another cellulite treatment. This method employs small needles which are injected at the trouble spot. The needles inject medicine which liquefy the fat, the fat melts and is eliminated via the kidneys. The good news is there are no changes in your bathroom visits.
Mesotherapy could require up to 12 visits and endermologie also requires a maintenance program.
CELLULITE CREAMS are a great solution and there are several good products on the market today. These cellulite treatment creams are cost effective, easy to use and can be used in the privacy of your own home. With research the top product on the market today is RevitaShape.
Check out which one you would prefer but don't hesitate. Swim suit weather is here and you can reduce the affects of cellulite and feel and look better now.
**Remember, a good diet, some exercise and drinking lots of water is also helpful** Click Here! For some more useful information on gettng rid of moles and warts.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Getting Rid of Cellulite

Getting rid of cellulite is a constant battle. You have all heard these awful phrases: Orange peel,cottage cheese, mattress phenomenon and my all time favorite hail damage.
Cellulite creams do work but you need to understand why. Most cellulte creams that actually work in getting rid of cellulite will contain caffein. Caffein is a diuretic and a stimulant. Cellulite creams have been formulated to work on the top layers of the skin to tighten the skin and also to penetrate the top layers of skin and work as a diruretic to draw fluid out of the areas when it is trapped. With both of these measures the affected skin area gives the appearance of a tighter, nicer to look at butt, thigh or abdomen. But not all cellulite creams used in getting rid of cellulite have the ingredients needed to do the job.
We have reviewed several products and find Revita Shape answers all the question for getting rid of cellulite if you are looking for a product that uses natural ingredients and one that works.
Questions #1 - Is RevitaShape easy to use?
Yes. Apply the cream morning and night to clean
dry skin. Gently rub the cream into the affected
Question #2 - Does it have quick results?
Yes. Sometimes in as little as two weeks
Question #3 - Does it have natural ingredients?
Yes. It combines tried and true natural ingredients
such as caffein, seaweed, algae and centella asiatica
extract which is a Chinese herb that helps restore
the skin's elasticity.
Getting rid of cellulite can be easier than you think and yes this cream does work. However, a healthy lifestyle can also be a big help. A good diet, some exercise (and you don't have to go nuts) and drinking lots of water can be very beneficial.
As we have said before, cellulite is a genetic problem. So, if grandma had it you will probably have it. But you are not alone, approximately 90% of women are battling the cellulite problem. Even some very famous celebrities are using cellulite creams in getting rid of cellulite.
The treatment of cellulite is an ongoing commitment even if you choose endermologie, a form of massage using machines which supposedly are stimulating blood
flow to reactivate the body's fat cell metabolism, or mesotherapy which are multiple
injections into the targeted area with homeopathic medicines, plant extracts and
vitamins. But these treatments are very costly and will not permanently rid you of cellulite.
Our suggestion in getting rid of cellulite. RevitaShape. It is cost effective, it works, it is easy to use. What have you got to lose? Nothing but that hail damage!
RevitaShape Anti Cellulite Cream

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Cellulite Cream Works When Fighting Cellulite

90% of women are still struggling with the affects of cellulite. For many years it was thought to be a normal process and so it was never researched by scientist. Since so many of us have been looking for a real solution without it costing an arm and a leg the medical field has produced a few good cellulite creams that really work.

Here are a few myths regarding cellulite that have been proven untrue:

Myth #1 - Cellulite only occurs in women...
FALSE. data shows that over 5,000 men sought treatment for cellulite
Myth #2 - Liposuction gets rid of cellulite...
FALSE. cellulite is superficial fat which is underneath the top layer of
skin. Liposucion doesn't remove fat here but in the deeper layers.
Which makes for a very good argument in favor of cellulite cream.
Myth #3 - Exercise eliminates cellulite...
FALSE. cellulite is a hormonal and genetic problem. However, exercise
will help prevent and manage cellulite.
Myth #4 - Drinking water reduces cellulite...
FALSE. Yes, drinking water is healthy but too much water can enhance
the appearance of cellulite. Cellulite creams add ingredients
which work to eliminate excess water.
Myth #5 - A cellulite diet works...
FALSE. There is no food or group of foods that will fight cellulite.

After much research the best cellulite cream on the market today is RevitaShape. It is easy to use; just apply cream, in the morning and at night, to clean, dry skin. Massage the cellulite cream into the skin very gently for a few minutes. RevitaShape works fast to shape & firm the skin.

If you are looking for an excellent cellulite cream, at a good value, please consider RevitaShape. If you are looking to metabolize stored fat, boost collagen and elastin and want to diminish that ugly cellulite in as little as 2 weeks you need to try RevitaShape.

Monday, June 1, 2009

The Best Cellulite Treatment

For the Best Cellulite Treatment you don't have to spend thousands of dollars. It has been proven that cellulite creams work the best for eliminating that unsightly "cottage cheese" from your thighs.

The highest rated cream for the Best Cellulite Treatment is RevitaShape.

WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR? Rapid Results, low cost or overall convenience. The Best Cellulite Treatment cream should combine all of this in a single treatment.

Surgical procedures can be effective but do you really need the sticker shock? Topical cellulite creams supply the Best Cellulite Treatment with fast results, prices we can afford and best of all, the convenience of using them in the privacy of our own homes.

If that is what you are looking for RevitaShape is the answer, or should I say, the solution for that "cottage cheese" sitting on your thighs.

Here is what you can expect from RevitaShape:


All this can make your body trimmer and your skin smoother. After all, isn't that what we are looking for in the Best Cellulite Treatment?

RevitaShape contains tried and true NATURAL INGREDIENTS such as caffein and seaweed. Its unique combination of the most effective anti-cellulite ingredients known makes RevitaShape the Best Cellulite Treatment. These natural ingredients work to increase circulation, drain fluids and activate lipolysis (the break down of stored fat).


The Best Cellulite Treatment, RevitaShape, should be aplied in the morning to clean, dry skin. It is recommended that you take a few minutes to gently massage the cream into your skin to increase its effectiveness.

Give RevitaShape a try. All you have to lose is that cottage cheese off your thighs.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Get Rid of Cellulite

Do you want to get rid of cellulite? You can and you don't have to pay for expensive laser treatments or liposuction.
With the advancement of todays technology it is easier than ever to get rid of cellulite or that other often referred to "cottage cheese skin".
It is that time of year when we are thinking about getting rid of cellulite. Our wardrobe has changed from heavy sweaters, long pants and overcoats to summery skirts, shorts and yikes, even swimming suits.
Can you get rid of cellulite? Of course you can! There are several very good cellulite creams on the market today. It has been said that cosmetic surgeons utilize cellulite creams prior to applying laster treatments. Remember, to get rid of cellulite we need to look for a product that;
*Tones & Tightens the Skin *Boosts metabolism to Burn Fat *Diminish Fluid Rentention
Cellulite cream is the #1 treatment to get rid of cellulite. Cellulite cream gets past the skin into the subcutaneous layers (layer of loose connective tissue directly under the skin. Its thickness depends on the amount of fat present) and dislodges the fat. This can reduce or get rid of cellulite.
With that said, what is the best cellulite cream to get rid of cellulite?RevitaShape Anti Cellulite Cream
RevitaShape has scored a 9.5 in testing with other products used to get rid of cellulite. With a scoring scale of 1 to 10, and 10 being the highest, RevitaShape scored a 10 for shaping and firming, a 9 for retexturizing the skin, a 9 for fat reduction and a perfect 10 for fast results.
Wow! Lets get rid of cellulite now.
To get rid of cellulite you can use liposuction, mesotherapy treatments, endermologie or acoustic wave therapy. After you have recovered from the sticker shock for these treatments, to get rid of cellulite, please consider the best cellulite cream on the market today, RevitaShape.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Is Cellulite a Concern for you???

Are you fighting cellulite? You are not alone, many women suffer from this unsightly problem. Even super thin celebrities like Paris Hilton and Jennifer Love Hewitt are battling cellulite.

Using laser heat, radio waves or massage to break up cellulite and boost circulation or other spa treatments is not always the best solution to fighting cellulite. These treatments can be costly and the multiple sessions needed will not rid you of your cellulite. They are temporary solutions.

Celebrities can do what most of us do when fighting cellulite....use a good cellulite cream. And there are some great products on the market today.

The ingredients found in anti-cellulite creams focus on 3 things:

* Toning & Tightening the Skin

** Boosting Fat & Metabolism to Diminish Cellulite

*** Diminish Fluid Retention

Surgery does not have to be the only answer in fighting cellulite. The science of dermatology has been making rapid advances and producing some wonderful products. Cellulite cream will never have the same results as liposuction but they are a safe and effective alternative to costly procedures for most women.

As many as 90% of women have cellulite and although there is no cure there is a safe and proven method of diminishing your cellulite. You can win your battle in fighting cellulite and have success that you never could have imagined.

With testing here are the top 5 products on the market today to reach your goal in fighting cellulite. They are rated on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest score.

#1 - RevitaShape - This product rated 9.5 overall and a perfect 10 in fast results

#2 - Revitol - Overall this product scored 9.0 and a 7 for fast result

#3 - Cellutone -This product scored 9.0 overall and a fast result score of 7

#4 - Nivea - An 8.5 overall with a score of 7 for fast results

#5 - BodyShape - Overall this product score 8.0 with a fast result score of 7

As you can see RevitaShape Anti Cellulite Cream
scored hightest and a product that we would highly recommend.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Fighting Cellulite is a battle women have been struggling with for many years. If you have cellulite here is some important information that may be helpful to you.

Fighting Cellulite is an every day struggle so we will give you the top 3 products for you to reveiw and see if one of these products will work for you.

Cellulite is primarily genetic but for many years was presumed to be part of "being a woman"...
but, in the last few years several products have emerged to aid us in Fighting Cellulite.

Ingredients in these new discoveries can range from caffein to shea butter and natural oils. The ingredients found in cellulite creams focus on the following:


Cellulite is not an overweight issue and can be a problem for many thin women. Young women can show signs of cellulite so it is not just a problem for older women. Because it is primarily a problem for women, not men, many doctors believe it is caused by high levels of the female hormone estrogen. Although aging can promote cellulite because the skin layer becomes thinner.

In summary here is why we develope cellulite.

1. Genetics & Heredity
2. Not drinking enough water
3. Poor diet
4. Smoking
5. Medication
6. Sedentary life styles
7. Crash Diets

Here are the top 3 products that are on the market today to help you in Fighting Cellulite.

#1...Revita Shape - Revita Shape works with both the cause and effects of cellulite to provide
a comprehensive solution and combines tried & true natural ingredients
such as caffein and seaweed. These ingredients work to increase
circulation, drain fluids and activate lipolysis (the breakdown of stored fats).
A Chinese herb called Centella Asiatica Extract is also used which helps
restore the skins elasticity. The caffein and algae drains trapped fluids
from the deep tissues of the skin.

#2...Revitol - The ingredients of Revitol are a combinationof Retinol A, algae and caffein.
Many other cellulite treatments use these ingredients in Fighting
Cellulite. The Retinol A works to firm and tone the skin while the
caffein and algae extract improve circulation and remove excess fluid.

#3...Cellutone - Cellutone boasts that it is the only cellulite removal cream that utilizes
70 vitamins and minerals. It also uses a protein from an egg based
product that is blended with several patented oils. Some of these oils
are Sweet Almond Oil, Lavender Oil, Geranium Oil and Sage, just to name
a few.

I hope if you are Fighting Cellulite one of these products will work for you

Fighting Cellulite is a battle for many women. If you have cellulite here is some important information to help you find real solutions to assist you in your fight with cellulite.

Fighting Cellulite is an everyday struggle for many of us and knowing what to use and what will work is baffling when there are so many products to choose from.

We will give you the top 3 products to use in your battle of Fighting Cellulite.

Cellulite is primarily a genetic problem and previously it was presumed to be part of "being a woman"....but, in the last few years several products have been discovered to help us in Fighting Cellulite.

Ingredients in these new discoveries can range from caffein to shea butter and various natural plant oils. The ingredients found in cellulite creams focus on the following:


Cellulite is not an over weight issue and can be a problem for many thin women. Young women can show signs of cellulite so it is not just a problem for older women. Because it is primarily a problem for women, not men, many doctors believe it is caused by high levels of the female hormone estrogen. Although aging can promote cellulite because the skin layer becomes thinner.

In summary here is why we develope cellulite.

A. Genetics & Heredity
B. Not drinking enough water
C. Poor Diet
D. Smoking
E. Medication
F. Sedentary Life styles
G. Crash Diets

After research here are the top 3 products on the market today to help us in the battle of Fighting Cellulite.

#1 Revita Shape - Revita Shape works with both the cause & effects of cellulite to provide a
comprehensive solution and combines tried & true natural ingredients
such as caffein and seaweed. These ingredients work to increase circulation, drain fluids and activate lipolysis, the breakdown of stored fats.It also contains a Chinese herb called Centella Asiatica Extract which helps restore the skins elasticity.

#2 Revitol - The ingredients of Revitol are a combination of Retinol A, algae and caffein.
Many other cellulite treatments for fighting cellulite use these ingredients.The Retinol A works to firm & tone the skin while the caffein and algae extract improve circulation and remove excess fluid.

#3 Cellutone - Cellutone boasts that it is the only cellulite removal cream that utilizes 70 vitamins, minerals and protein from an egg based product that is blended with several patented oils. Some of the oils are sweet almond oil, lavender oil, geranium oil and sage just to name a few.
We hope this information has been helpful to you.