Thursday, May 28, 2009

Get Rid of Cellulite

Do you want to get rid of cellulite? You can and you don't have to pay for expensive laser treatments or liposuction.
With the advancement of todays technology it is easier than ever to get rid of cellulite or that other often referred to "cottage cheese skin".
It is that time of year when we are thinking about getting rid of cellulite. Our wardrobe has changed from heavy sweaters, long pants and overcoats to summery skirts, shorts and yikes, even swimming suits.
Can you get rid of cellulite? Of course you can! There are several very good cellulite creams on the market today. It has been said that cosmetic surgeons utilize cellulite creams prior to applying laster treatments. Remember, to get rid of cellulite we need to look for a product that;
*Tones & Tightens the Skin *Boosts metabolism to Burn Fat *Diminish Fluid Rentention
Cellulite cream is the #1 treatment to get rid of cellulite. Cellulite cream gets past the skin into the subcutaneous layers (layer of loose connective tissue directly under the skin. Its thickness depends on the amount of fat present) and dislodges the fat. This can reduce or get rid of cellulite.
With that said, what is the best cellulite cream to get rid of cellulite?RevitaShape Anti Cellulite Cream
RevitaShape has scored a 9.5 in testing with other products used to get rid of cellulite. With a scoring scale of 1 to 10, and 10 being the highest, RevitaShape scored a 10 for shaping and firming, a 9 for retexturizing the skin, a 9 for fat reduction and a perfect 10 for fast results.
Wow! Lets get rid of cellulite now.
To get rid of cellulite you can use liposuction, mesotherapy treatments, endermologie or acoustic wave therapy. After you have recovered from the sticker shock for these treatments, to get rid of cellulite, please consider the best cellulite cream on the market today, RevitaShape.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Is Cellulite a Concern for you???

Are you fighting cellulite? You are not alone, many women suffer from this unsightly problem. Even super thin celebrities like Paris Hilton and Jennifer Love Hewitt are battling cellulite.

Using laser heat, radio waves or massage to break up cellulite and boost circulation or other spa treatments is not always the best solution to fighting cellulite. These treatments can be costly and the multiple sessions needed will not rid you of your cellulite. They are temporary solutions.

Celebrities can do what most of us do when fighting cellulite....use a good cellulite cream. And there are some great products on the market today.

The ingredients found in anti-cellulite creams focus on 3 things:

* Toning & Tightening the Skin

** Boosting Fat & Metabolism to Diminish Cellulite

*** Diminish Fluid Retention

Surgery does not have to be the only answer in fighting cellulite. The science of dermatology has been making rapid advances and producing some wonderful products. Cellulite cream will never have the same results as liposuction but they are a safe and effective alternative to costly procedures for most women.

As many as 90% of women have cellulite and although there is no cure there is a safe and proven method of diminishing your cellulite. You can win your battle in fighting cellulite and have success that you never could have imagined.

With testing here are the top 5 products on the market today to reach your goal in fighting cellulite. They are rated on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest score.

#1 - RevitaShape - This product rated 9.5 overall and a perfect 10 in fast results

#2 - Revitol - Overall this product scored 9.0 and a 7 for fast result

#3 - Cellutone -This product scored 9.0 overall and a fast result score of 7

#4 - Nivea - An 8.5 overall with a score of 7 for fast results

#5 - BodyShape - Overall this product score 8.0 with a fast result score of 7

As you can see RevitaShape Anti Cellulite Cream
scored hightest and a product that we would highly recommend.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Fighting Cellulite is a battle women have been struggling with for many years. If you have cellulite here is some important information that may be helpful to you.

Fighting Cellulite is an every day struggle so we will give you the top 3 products for you to reveiw and see if one of these products will work for you.

Cellulite is primarily genetic but for many years was presumed to be part of "being a woman"...
but, in the last few years several products have emerged to aid us in Fighting Cellulite.

Ingredients in these new discoveries can range from caffein to shea butter and natural oils. The ingredients found in cellulite creams focus on the following:


Cellulite is not an overweight issue and can be a problem for many thin women. Young women can show signs of cellulite so it is not just a problem for older women. Because it is primarily a problem for women, not men, many doctors believe it is caused by high levels of the female hormone estrogen. Although aging can promote cellulite because the skin layer becomes thinner.

In summary here is why we develope cellulite.

1. Genetics & Heredity
2. Not drinking enough water
3. Poor diet
4. Smoking
5. Medication
6. Sedentary life styles
7. Crash Diets

Here are the top 3 products that are on the market today to help you in Fighting Cellulite.

#1...Revita Shape - Revita Shape works with both the cause and effects of cellulite to provide
a comprehensive solution and combines tried & true natural ingredients
such as caffein and seaweed. These ingredients work to increase
circulation, drain fluids and activate lipolysis (the breakdown of stored fats).
A Chinese herb called Centella Asiatica Extract is also used which helps
restore the skins elasticity. The caffein and algae drains trapped fluids
from the deep tissues of the skin.

#2...Revitol - The ingredients of Revitol are a combinationof Retinol A, algae and caffein.
Many other cellulite treatments use these ingredients in Fighting
Cellulite. The Retinol A works to firm and tone the skin while the
caffein and algae extract improve circulation and remove excess fluid.

#3...Cellutone - Cellutone boasts that it is the only cellulite removal cream that utilizes
70 vitamins and minerals. It also uses a protein from an egg based
product that is blended with several patented oils. Some of these oils
are Sweet Almond Oil, Lavender Oil, Geranium Oil and Sage, just to name
a few.

I hope if you are Fighting Cellulite one of these products will work for you

Fighting Cellulite is a battle for many women. If you have cellulite here is some important information to help you find real solutions to assist you in your fight with cellulite.

Fighting Cellulite is an everyday struggle for many of us and knowing what to use and what will work is baffling when there are so many products to choose from.

We will give you the top 3 products to use in your battle of Fighting Cellulite.

Cellulite is primarily a genetic problem and previously it was presumed to be part of "being a woman"....but, in the last few years several products have been discovered to help us in Fighting Cellulite.

Ingredients in these new discoveries can range from caffein to shea butter and various natural plant oils. The ingredients found in cellulite creams focus on the following:


Cellulite is not an over weight issue and can be a problem for many thin women. Young women can show signs of cellulite so it is not just a problem for older women. Because it is primarily a problem for women, not men, many doctors believe it is caused by high levels of the female hormone estrogen. Although aging can promote cellulite because the skin layer becomes thinner.

In summary here is why we develope cellulite.

A. Genetics & Heredity
B. Not drinking enough water
C. Poor Diet
D. Smoking
E. Medication
F. Sedentary Life styles
G. Crash Diets

After research here are the top 3 products on the market today to help us in the battle of Fighting Cellulite.

#1 Revita Shape - Revita Shape works with both the cause & effects of cellulite to provide a
comprehensive solution and combines tried & true natural ingredients
such as caffein and seaweed. These ingredients work to increase circulation, drain fluids and activate lipolysis, the breakdown of stored fats.It also contains a Chinese herb called Centella Asiatica Extract which helps restore the skins elasticity.

#2 Revitol - The ingredients of Revitol are a combination of Retinol A, algae and caffein.
Many other cellulite treatments for fighting cellulite use these ingredients.The Retinol A works to firm & tone the skin while the caffein and algae extract improve circulation and remove excess fluid.

#3 Cellutone - Cellutone boasts that it is the only cellulite removal cream that utilizes 70 vitamins, minerals and protein from an egg based product that is blended with several patented oils. Some of the oils are sweet almond oil, lavender oil, geranium oil and sage just to name a few.
We hope this information has been helpful to you.